a complete opensource Balanced Scorecard system::
latest news

page hits by date
13-10-03  contact from Italy, meeting scheduled on 22
24-09-03  contact from Peru, integration proposal with ossuite
21-09-03  contact from USA, summitmediapartners.com
18-09-03  upgrade, managing node values
02-09-03  (until 25-9-03) patch and support for an important company (Belgium)
28-08-03  contact from nc.com.my
12-08-03  contact from Belgium
05-08-03  contact from Argentina, miniphone.com.ar
03-08-03  updated release: r0.2
03-08-03  demo: finding actions
03-08-03  demo: finding comments
03-08-03  demo: attaching a comment to any link in the BSPG
21-07-03  NOTE: I've found a new job, and development will now slow down!
          if you're interested in BSPG, I need *real* support
19-07-03  devel: search for actions
18-07-03  demo: TOAD-PG, an integrated BSPG TOol for Application Development
17-07-03  devel: search for comments
15-07-03  demo: updated japanese menu
14-07-03  devel: manage comments
13-07-03  devel: manage user groups
11-07-03  devel: integration proposal with phpnuke
10-07-03  devel: (analysis) adding comments to any BSPG object
09-07-03  manual: modify online a BSPG language
09-07-03  demo: modify language online
09-07-03  1st BSPG running on linux (Japan)
08-07-03  compare: PeopleSoft Enterprise Scorecard and BSPG
08-07-03  demo: customize tables and show deltas
07-07-03  demo: targets administration and targets history
06-07-03  devel: targets history
02-07-03  devel: actions history
01-07-03  1st ICQ contact (Germany again)
01-07-03  devel: improving objectives evaluation management
30-06-03  setting up a dynamic DNS to the demo server, bspg.dyndns.biz
27-06-03  4th email contact (Germany)
26-06-03  manual: how to install a new language
25-06-03  demo: part of the menu, in Japanese
24-06-03  devel: multibyte characters support
21-06-03  doc: BSPG architecture overview
21-06-03  intro: BS Glossary
20-06-03  demo page: actions management example
19-06-03  intro: BS FAQs
17-06-03  doc: requirements and installation
17-06-03  demo page: objectives' qualitative evaluation
16-06-03  demo page: graph by measure over time (shows also style customizability)
16-06-03  3nd email contact (Japan)
14-06-03  devel: objectives' qualitative evaluation
14-06-03  2nd email contact (maybe India)
13-06-03  helping for the first installation
11-06-03  planning support for Kanji and multibyte characters (for co.jp)
10-06-03  comparings with commercial solutions: QPR ScoreCard 7.0 and CorVu Rapid BSC
09-06-03  included a full database export of a demo BSC environment
09-06-03  first email contact, from New Zealand
08-06-03  greetings to psg.com
06-06-03  I'm looking for a job: so, if you're interested in BSPG, let me know..
03-06-03  a first BSPG history
03-06-03  demo page: a PostgreSQL Schema browser, part of the BS Building environment
02-06-03  strategy map and granularity of evaluation demo page
30-05-03  a greeting to someone from New Zealand;; (co.nz domain)
29-05-03  subscribing the phparch grant program
28-05-03  croatian demo pages
21-05-03  first GPL release: r0.1
04-05-03  opening the project at Sourceforge
29-11-02  the beginning
29-10-02  last mail

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