QPR ScoreCard 7.0
(QPR features also present in BSPG are checked with a tag in the image below
and afterwards)
Positioning of BSPG and QPR in the
Gartner Group BSC Software Classification
Benefits of QPR ScoreCard (compared to BSPG)
[BSPG will soon improve on commenting]
[at present alerts are managed by a human BS administrator]
[BSPG must be customized for a real case data synchronization; see also Data imports in the Details below]
[BSPG strategy map is MacromediaFlash enabled, while QPR is image-based, slower and unconfortable]
[BSPG may be quickly improved on this, if necessary]
[Does not seem so useful.. you can still set up your bookmarks through a browser]
[just home page, but simply extensible]
[Responsibilities are automatically inherited by each user]
[BSPG is customizable by BS administrators, not by end-users]
[BSPG will be improved on this: it's already in the to-do list]
[but not automated: these are too often manual tasks]
[justly missing in BSPG, because BSC are complex and structured views on company strategies: breaking it up and giving each user a personalized option means losing the BSC view]
[can be done by BSPG Developers]
[Evaluation is the Key feature, in BSPG: you can choose its detailment level, from the simplest and common green/yellow/red to a full-range rainbow color.. because things sometimes are not just good or bad..]
[not present, can be quickly implemented on demand]
[performances are a key success factor, when implementing a BSC.. and they cannot be achieved without a customized, case-by-case analysis and integration: for this reason Data Imports in BSPG have to be custom-made upon source database]
[BSC Modeling with BSPG is still in a beta-phase, and should be followed step-by-step by a BSPG consultant]
[there will be a BSPG forum as soon as there will be some more users..]